We have been passionate about Peer Persuasion marketing techniques, and by default, the taming of its origins in the beast of ‘Word of Mouth’ (WOM) selling skills, for more than 30 years. We first learned to appreciate its value in the structured ‘Peer Influence’ programs commonly used within the pharmaceutical industry in the 1990s, but we’ve always recognized the strength of the one-on-one conversation between friends and neighbors, providing encouragement, suggestion, and validation. Now, with the huge growth in media and mediums, such as radio, television, and the Internet, there’s a whole new segment of WOM to be found in the ‘buzz’, providing recommendations and critique to a whole range of products and services.
But WOM marketing and selling is not just a promotional strategy. It is a powerful group dynamic that can be used effectively in all manner of group situations, from voluntary community support groups to educational learning environments, and from mentoring and coaching sessions to health and wellness motivation.
The strength of the technique is in the objective validation, confirmation, and verification of the subject or topic, not from the group host but from other participants within the circle. Where the skill of the moderator comes into play is in finding the early adopters, the advocates; identifying the fence sitters, and weeding out the naysayers from the darkness. But there is more than controlling the narrative within the group. It’s about understanding the flow, the order of discussion, the relevance, the credibility, and the context.
Once those details are understood, the session becomes predictable, repeatable, scriptable, scalable, and the outcome reliable.
From our conversation evolves a consensus, followed by the consensus manifesting itself in change, a desirable, meaningful change that elicits the transformation that was envisaged and planned from the outset.
Being passionate about WOM, we understand how to plan, structure, implement, and execute a ‘seeded’ conversation that will create consensus, thereby encouraging adoption and conversion. From humble beginnings some 30 years ago, I was first a student, then a specialist, and finally an expert in this unique application of group dynamics.
Whether your interest is in adding the power of peer persuasion to your group practice, in learning more about how WOM works, how it would be useful promoting your offer or service, or you wish to explore creating a structured ‘peer program’ to work building your brand’s acceptance and adoption in the marketplace, please join our conversation and contribute your thoughts and ideas to the ongoing conversation.
Through conversation, we build consensus, and with consensus, we achieve change.